Installing php54 broke roundcube. How I fixed it
One of the things I run (I think it was WordPress) was griping at me to update PHP to at least version 5.4. But I was on CentOS 6, which stops at 5.3 by...
Technical stuff from a bit-head
Articles, write-ups, etc.
One of the things I run (I think it was WordPress) was griping at me to update PHP to at least version 5.4. But I was on CentOS 6, which stops at 5.3 by...
Running PostfixAdmin 2.92 on a box with dozens of domains. An admin tried to delete mailboxes and got the error: Problems running mailbox postdeletion script! How I fixed it To run scripts after...
Details of my post-mortem on a mail/web server that was compromised back in 2006. Here
For isc-dhcp-server: I tried several things which did not work. I concluded that this is primarily because isc-dhcp-server doesn’t use a true systemd script. So I edited the sysV startup script (/etc/init.d/isc-dhcp-server) and inserted...
In my case, the vCenter was “asking” if I wanted to accept the self-signed certs. Packer doesn’t really pass that on to you. Add these options to the “post-processors” section: “options”: [ “–acceptAllEulas”, “–disableVerification”,...
Use this line: # nmcli con mod ens160 ipv4.method static ipv4.addresses ${IPADDR} ipv4.gateway ${GATEWAY} ipv4.dns ${DNS_SERVERS} The DNS servers (if more than one) should be in quotes and comma-separated (i.e. “,”)